Delhi Food Food and Nutrition

Benefits of Kadaknath Chicken : Black Meat

Kadaknath is a rare breed of chicken originally from Madhya Pradesh, India with lot of health benefits be it low fat, low cholesterol, high protein, high Iron content and other medicinal properties good for heart and good for diabetic people. This breed provides good resistance to many diseases and is already used in Homeopathy for treating particular diseases. Because of increasing awareness of health and diet this chicken has become a much sought after rather then chicken with high fat and cholesterol content.
Not only its good for health its black flesh is delicious also so we can rightly say “Taste bhi Health bhi”.
Recently we got a chance to intrigue R B Organic Farms (https://www.facebook.com/rborganicfarms/) and got to know more about this rare black chicken which is still making its way onto Indian and international market and maybe it won’t be long before we see it as a mainstream item in our grocery stores.
They are organic breeds that are fed heavily on veggies like spinach, cabbage, kitchen waste, grains etc and because of high feed to weight ratio they gain good weight in comparison to other exotic species. It is also completely black in color cause of high Melanin content. Its bones, flesh, nails etc are all almost black in color.
Many who have tried this type of chicken say that there is either no taste difference at all or that it tastes little like Mutton. It is cooked the same way as regular chicken, but the meat is coarser, which often leads to it being cooked little more then white chicken.
Have you ever tried Kadaknath Chicken?? Please share your experience in the comments secttion 👇

Kadaknath Chicken, Delhi Food Bloggers
Kadaknath Chicken, Delhi Food Bloggers
Kadaknath Chicken, Delhi Food Bloggers
Kadaknath Chicken, Delhi Food Bloggers

Just because of its nutritional benefits in comparison to other breeds BCCI has urged to include Kadaknath chicken over grilled chicken in players’ diet.  Know more👇



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